No Bake S'mores Cheesecake
èasy No Bakè S’morès Chèèsècakè rècipè – a quick and èasy no bakè s’morès dèssèrt rècipè that can bè madè from scratch in just 10 minutès!

No Bake S'mores Cheesecake
No Bake S'mores Cheesecake

We headed to Walmart to pick up our supplies to make our easy No Bake S’mores Cheesecake, like Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Bars, Honey Maid Graham Cracker Squares, and Kraft’s Jet-Puffed Marshmallows, along with cream cheese, powdered sugar, and butter.

No Bake S'mores Cheesecake

Easy No Bakè S’morès Chèèsècakè rècipè – a quick and èasy no bakè s’morès dèssèrt rècipè that can bè madè from scratch in just 10 minutès!

For thè Graham Crackèr Crust

  • 13-14 full sizèd graham crackèrs (makès about 1.5-2 cups crumbs)
  • 1/2 cup buttèr mèltèd

For thè Chèèsècakè

  • 16 ouncès crèam chèèsè softènèd (two 8-ouncè packagès)
  • 1/2 cup powdèrèd sugar
  • 2 tèaspoons vanilla
  • 2 cups marshmallows (about 24 marshmallows, softènèd)
  • 3 Hèrshèy's Milk Chocolatè Bars


  1. Linè a 9-inch cakè pan. Sèt asidè.
  2. Placè graham crackèrs in a food procèssor and procèss until thèy'rè finè crumbs
  3. Placè thè mèltèd buttèr in thè food procèssor with thè graham crackèr crumbs and procèss again until combinèd.
  4. Pour graham crackèr mixturè into a linèd 9-inch piè or cakè pan. Sprèad èvènly and prèss thè crumbs down with a flat-bottomèd glass to flattèn into a crust.
  5. Put thè crust in thè frèèzèr whilè prèparing thè chèèsècakè filling.
  6. Softèn thè marshmallows by placing thèm in a microwavè-safè bowl and microwaving for 30-45 sèconds.
  7. Placè thè crèam chèèsè, powdèrèd sugar, vanilla, and softènèd marshmallows in your food procèssor, and procèss until smooth and crèamy.
  8. Rèmovè thè crust from thè frèèzèr, and pour thè filling onto thè crust. Sprèad èvènly.
  9. Placè thè chocolatè bars in a microwavè-safè bowl, and microwavè in 30 sècond intèrvals, stirring bètwèèn èach intèrval, until thè chocolatè is mèltèd, smooth, and crèamy.
  10. Pour thè mèltèd chocolatè ovèr thè chèèsècakè filling in a spiral pattèrn.
  11. With a buttèr knifè or spatula, swirl thè chocolatè in with thè marshmallow chèèsècakè filling. I just swirlèd it vèrtically, thèn wènt back and did it again horizontally.
  12. èat it right away whilè thè chocolatè and marshmallows arè still mèltèd and gooèy OR chill it in thè rèfrigèrator until complètèly sèt, at lèast 2 hours.
For complete recipe, source: thegraciouswife.com

