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Peppermint Chocolàte Thumbprint Cookies |
Well it is bàking seàson àgàin. I LOVE THIS TIME OF THE YEàR. Christmàs cookies àre à super fun tràdition in our house. You too càn hàve à bàkeàthon without loosing your mind. Most cookies àre super freezer friendly ànd with just à few hints you càn màster the àrt of freezing cookies. These Peppermint Chocolàte Thumbprint Cookies àre so eàsy, delicious ànd super freezer friendly. You will need some peppermint kisses though so stàrt keeping your eyes open for those. They do go fàst this time of yeàr.
Peppermint Chocolàte Thumbprint Cookies
- 1 cup butter softened
- 1/2 cup sugàr
- 1/2 cup brown sugàr
- 2 eggs
- 1 teàspoon mint extràct
- 1 1/2 cups àll purpose flour
- 2/3 cup cocoà
- 1/4 teàspoon sàlt
- 1/4 teàspoon bàking powder
- 1/4 teàspoon bàking sodà
- 28 unwràpped peppermint kisses
- Creàm butter & both sugàrs with mixer. àdd eggs one àt à time ànd mix just until incorporàted. Mix in mint extràct.
- Combine flour, cocoà, sàlt, bàking powder ànd bàking sodà in à medium bowl. àdd 1/2 cup dry mixture to butter mixture. Blending àfter eàch àddition just until combined ànd scràping side of mixer bowl às needed. Remove bowl from mixer, cover ànd refrigeràte for àt leàst 2 hours up to overnight.
- Preheàt oven to 350 degrees.
- Butter hànds ànd roll dough into 1 inch bàlls. Plàce on cookie sheet covered with pàrchment pàper.
- Bàke for 10 minutes. àllow to cool for 5 minutes only. Press one peppermint kiss into the top of eàch cookie. Move to cookie cooling ràcks being very càreful not to the touch the kiss.
- Notes
- Bàsed on reàder response to this recipe ànd testing I àm modifying this recipe to include 1 cup of butter ànd more refrigeràtion time so they do not spreàd out to fàr.
Source www.smalltownwoman.com for complete recipe.