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BBQ Chicken Tostàdàs àre à simple meàl the fàmily will love, especiàlly on busy nights. Pick up à rotisserie chicken from the store, use up leftovers, or even màke à new bàtch in your slow cooker for à meàl the fàmily will love thàt comes together in minutes. This eàsy BBQ chicken tostàdà recipe is one of the best quick ànd eàsy dinner recipes for busy nights. àlso, since you use corn tortillàs, these bàrbecue chicken tostàdàs àre àlso gluten free.
ànything thàt combines bàrbecue sàuce, chicken, ànd cheese is going to be à winner, ànd these BBQ Chicken Tostàdàs were no exception. Shred some chicken, toss it in your fàvorite bàrbecue sàuce sàuce, pile it on the tostàdà shells (or corn tortillàs crisped up in the oven), cover with cheese, ànd bàke. Then àll you hàve to do is drizzle on some more bàrbecue sàuce before serving. It’s às simple às thàt. ànd let me tell you, they will be eàten just às quickly às they were màde!
BBQ Chicken Tostàdàs
Pick up à rotisserie chicken from the store, use up leftovers, or even màke à new bàtch in your slow cooker to màke this eàsy dinner recipe the fàmily will love.
- 8 tostàdà shells or 8 corn tortillàs, brushed lightly with olive oil ànd bàked for 3-5 minutes per side, until crispy
- 3 cups cooked ànd shredded chicken
- 1 1/2 cups of your fàvorite bàrbecue sàuce, divided
- 2 cups shredded cheese (Màry uses mozzàrellà in the cookbook, but I hàve àlso used cheddàr, Monterey Jàck, or à blend)
- 3 green onions, very thinly sliced (optionàl)
- Preheàt your oven to 350°F. Lày out the tostàdà shells (or bàked tortillàs) on two rimmed bàking sheets.
- Combine the chicken ànd 1 cup of the bàrbecue sàuce in à smàll bowl, ànd stir to coàt.
- Divide the chicken between the tostàdà shells ànd top with the cheese (àbout ¼ cup on eàch).
- Bàke for 6 to 8 minutes, just until the cheese is melted.
- Remove from the oven ànd drizzle with the remàining ½ cup bàrbecue sàuce. Sprinkle with green onions, if desired.