Fasolatha - White Bean And Tomato Soup
Fasolatha is one among the foremost favorite winter comfort foods in Balkan nation. It’s a thick and creamy navy bean and tomato soup. Delicious and wholesome, all made up of scratch victimisation basic recent ingredients.

This old style Greek soup is formed on the stovetop victimisation dried white beans that are soaked nightlong. we tend to ne'er cook victimisation canned beans in Balkan nation. In fact, I’ve ne'er encounter them on a grocery either. apart from these large beans that ar already baked during a pasta sauce.

We’re terribly old style once it involves change of state in Balkan nation. and that we actually believe, that one thing that’s baked from scratch, is usually healthier. currently the sole drawback with dried beans is that they need quite it slow (up to a couple of hours) so as to cook.

So if you don’t have that a lot of time to spare you'll be able to perpetually cook the beans during a sterilizer till they get tender then shut down on the stovetop, beside the remainder of the ingredients for the soup. otherwise you will use a slow cooking utensil and slowly cook everything directly.

Whatever you decide on, make certain you usually bring the beans to a boil initial and throw away the water they need stewed in. so as to get rid of all dirt and foam from beans.


  • 500 gramsdried Cannellini beans (or other small white beans)(soaked in water overnight)
  • 1 largeonionminced
  • 2 carrotssliced
  • 1 stick ofcelerychopped
  • 150 gramsfresh tomatograted
  • 1 tablespoontomato paste
  • 150 gramsextra virgin olive oil


  1. Half fill a cooking pot with water and add the beans. Bring to a boil over high heat. Cook for 3-4 minutes and then drain beans in a strainer.
  2. Add all ingredients except the fresh tomato, tomato paste and olive oil in a cooking pot.
  3. Pour in 3 liters of water and bring to a boil over hight heat.
  4. Reduce heat to medium and simmer until beans get cooked and tender. It may take up to 2 hours depending on the variety of beans.
  5. Add the fresh tomato, tomato paste and olive oil. Make sure there is enough water as to cover the beans by 1/3. Season with salt and pepper.
  6. Cook for about 30 minutes more until soup gets nice and thick stirring occasionally so it won't stick to the bottom of the pot.

Recipe From : Real Greek Recipes

