Strawberry Basil Lemonade. Does that sound a bit uncommon to you? it is sort of different. whilst you first drink a sip of the lemonade you’re hit with a candy strawberry lemonade sensation, then comes the bubbles (if you used glowing water) after which the minty sparkling basil. then you definitely die inner of amazingness from this drink.

I served this at a few distinct events, ALL of parties my friends have wolfed this drink! let me show you the way clean it's far to make. fine component is you a could make it ahead of time!

- 2 cups strawberries de stemmed and sliced in half
- 1/4 cup basil chopped
- 1.5 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice
- 1.5 cup sugar
- 2 cups water
- cold sparkling water
- In a sauce pan combine water and sugar. Stir to dissolve sugar.
- Over medium heat add strawberries bring so a slow boil and let simmer for about 5-10 minutes. Until the strawberries are soft and syrup is thick.
- Let it come to room temp.
- When cool transfer strawberries to blender and blend till smooth. Strain out seed or clumps. Add lemon juice and basil. Place in fridge and allow to cool and flavors to marry. This is your strawberry basil syrup.
- There are two ways to serve this strawberry basil lemonade.
- Mix syrup with cold water in 2 liter pitcher and let chill in fridge until ready to serve. Basically like every lemonade :)
- Serve with sparkling water! To do this so the sparkling water does not go flat leave syrup separate in fridge. When serving add a few TBS of syrup to cup and fill reminder with ice cold sparkling water.
- For either option its great to add a fun straws, lemons and strawberries for garnish!