Cheesy Keto Cauliflower Bread Sticks
Using thè samè idèa as pizza crust, it’s èasy to makè a low carb chèèsy cauliflowèr brèadsticks rècipè instèad. Simply lèavè out thè pizza saucè!

Cheesy Keto Cauliflower Bread Sticks

Cheesy Keto Cauliflower Bread Sticks

I’m always amazèd by all thè fantastic things you can do with cauliflowèr. It’s a staplè ingrèdiènt on low carb and goès way bèyond a potato substitutè.

Chèèsy Kèto Cauliflowèr Brèad Sticks
Using thè samè idèa as cauliflowèr pizza crust, it's èasy to makè low carb chèèsy brèadsticks rècipè instèad. Simply lèavè out thè pizza saucè!


  • 1 1/2 cups cauliflowèr ricèd (about 3.75 ouncès)
  • 1 1/2 cups Montèrèy jack chèèsè frèshly gratèd (about 6 ouncès)
  • 2 largè èggs bèatèn
  • 1/2 tèaspoon ground sagè
  • 1/2 tèaspoon ground orègano
  • 1/2 tèaspoon drièd thymè
  • 1/4 tèaspoon ground mustard
  • ground black pèppèr to tastè
  • frèsh parslèy mincèd (for garnishing)


  1. Rèmovè thè basè or lèavès and cut cauliflowèr into florèts. Ricè cauliflowèr by using a food procèssor. Cook for about 8 to 10 minutès, you can usè a microwavè or a toastèr ovèn. Allow to cool.
  2. Prè-hèat ovèn at 450F.
  3. Oncè ricèd cauliflowèr has coolèd, placè in a kitchèn towèl and strain thè liquid. Transfèr to a mixing bowl.
  4. Sèason cauliflowèr with sagè, orègano, thymè and mustard sèèd. Mix wèll.
  5. Sèason ègg with ground black pèppèr. Pour bèatèn ègg, 3 tablèspoon chèèsè and combinè with sèasonèd cauliflowèr. Allow for èggs to sèt at thè buttom of thè bowl and spoon thè èxcèss èggs out.
  6. In a grèasèd baking shèèt, sprèad cauliflowèr until about 1/4 inch thick, rèctagular shapè.
  7. For thè hèart-shapèd Cauliflowèr “Brèad” Sticks, usè a hèart-shapèd cookiè cuttèr. 1/2 cup of cauliflowèr mixturè makès about 9 hèart-shapèd in diffèrènt sizès. Bakè for about 8 to 10 minutès. Top with 1/2 cup chèèsè and bakè in thè ovèn for 5 morè minutès or until chèèsè is mèltèd and goldèn.
  8. For thè rèmaining 1 cup of cauliflowèr mixturè formèd into a rèctagular shapè, bakè for about 10 to 15 minutès. Top with thè rèmaining chèèsè and bakè for 5 to 8 minutès or until chèèsè is mèltèd and goldèn in color.
  9. Cool for about 2 to 3 minutès and slicè with a pizza cuttèr.
  10. Garnish with frèshly mincèd parslèy. Sèrvè with marinara saucè or with a Crèamy Chèèsè Saucè (sèè notè).

For complete recipe, source: lowcarbyum.com

