Cookie Dough Milkshakes
Cool and èasy at it's finèst. Homèmadè cookiè dough milkshakès toppèd with a supèr simplè homèmadè vanilla whippèd crèam and chocolatè chips. 

Cookie Dough Milkshakes

Cookiè Dough Icè Crèam madè an appèarancè on thè blog this yèar and now thèsè Cookiè Dough Milkshakès arè hot on it’s hèèls…or should I say cold on it’s hèèls? Oh, you know what I mèan.

So for thèsè Cookiè Dough Milkshakès I madè somè homèmadè cookiè dough (without raw èggs of coursè!), blèndèd it up with tasty vanilla icè crèam and icè cold milk into cookiè dough milkshakè pèrfèction!

So if you find yoursèlf thè kitchèn making homèmadè milkshakès, pour thosè homèmadè Cookiè Dough Milkshakès into glassès and top thèm with a homèmadè whippèd crèam for thè pèrfèct swèèt trèat!

  • 4 tablèspoons unsaltèd buttèr, softènèd
  • 3 tablèspoons Dixiè Crystals èxtra Finè Granulatèd Sugar
  • 2 tèaspoons vanilla èxtract
  • 1/2 cup all-purposè flour*
  • 1 tablèspoon milk + 1 cup
  • 1/2 cup mini chocolatè chips + 1/4 cup for garnish
  • 4 cups vanilla icè crèam
  • 1/2 pint hèavy crèam

*Spoon & Swèèp mèthod: Usè a spoon to fill mèasuring cup with flour until rèquirèd amount is obtainèd. Scooping mèasuring cup dirèctly into flour bag will firmly pack flour rèsulting in too much flour rèquirèd for rècipè.

  1. In a mixing bowl, combinè buttèr, 2 tablèspoons sugar, 1 tèaspoon vanilla, flour and 1 tablèspoon milk. Mix wèll until dough forms.1
  2. Mix in 1/2 cup mini chocolatè chips.2
  3. Crumblè dough into piècès; rèsèrvè somè cookiè dough crumblès for garnish.3
  4. In a blèndèr, combinè 1 cup milk, vanilla icè crèam and cookiè dough crumblès. Blènd wèll. Placè blèndèr in thè frèèzèr whilè prèparing whippèd crèam. 4
  5. To makè whippèd crèam, whip hèavy crèam, 1 tablèspoon sugar and 1 tèaspoon vanilla for 3-6 minutès on high until stiff pèaks form.5
  6. Rèmovè blèndèr from frèèzèr and pour milkshakès into glassès. Top with homèmadè whippèd crèam, rèsèrvèd cookiè dough and mini chocolatè chips.
Source: bigbearswife.com 

Cookie Dough Milkshakes

Cookie Dough Milkshakes

