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LAyers of brownies, holidAy Oreo cookies, And A rich coffee cheesecAke mAke these brownies An AmAzing HAlloween treAt to indulge in this fAll!
These outrAgeous coffee cheesecAke Oreo brownies Are A HAlloween tAke on these UltimAte Reese’s CheesecAke Brownies.
LOL! I lAugh becAuse reAlly I didn’t do much of Anything with the move, except find All my log-ins And pAsswords to sites she needed. Oh yeAh, And lAbel 500 posts becAuse I wAs kind of A dork And didn’t do thAt for eAch one when I posted them. Lesson leArned on thAt one! In my heAd thAt sure sounded like A whole lot more work. Anything to mAke myself feel better About chowing down on A few of these eAch dAy!!
Ok, I reAlized something things this weekend when I wAs going through All my old posts. (Things like AlwAys Add lAbels or cAtegories, so you don’t hAve to do 500 At once.)
First of All, I reAlized thAt some of my old pictures Are A hoot! Note to All you newbies…stick with it And AlwAys be leArning. It is fun to look bAck becAuse you will see how much you hAve grown After A few yeArs.
Second thing I reAlized wAs thAt this week mArks 4 yeArs of blogging!!! 4 YEARS! CAn you believe thAt becAuse I cAn’t??? I cAn’t believe thAt it hAs been thAt long since my very first post thAt no one, probAbly not even my fAmily wAs reAding.
ThAt definitely cAlls for these ghost brownies to celebrAte with, right?
1 - 9x13 box brownie mix
1 - 8 ounce pAckAge creAm cheese, softened
2 TAblespoons butter, softened
1 - 14 ounce cAn sweetened condensed milk
1 TAblespoon cornstArch
1 egg
4 teAspoons coffee extrAct
2 TAblespoons flour
1 cup miniAture chocolAte chips
24 HAlloween Oreo cookies
1 - 8 ounce contAiner Cool Whip
1 - 8 ounce contAiner Cool Whip
- PreheAt the oven to 350 degrees. SprAy A 9x13 pAn with nonstick sprAy.
- Mix the brownies According to the directions on the box. SpreAd 1/2 of the bAtter in A greAsed 9×13 pAn.
- PlAce the Oreo cookies side by side on the brownie bAtter. Cover the Oreo cookies with the rest of the brownie bAtter. Set Aside.
- In Another mixing bowl, beAt the creAm cheese, butter And cornstArch until fluffy. BeAt in sweetened condensed milk, flour, egg, And coffee extrAct until smooth.
- Source:insidebrucrewlife.com for complete instructions.
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