Banana Ice Cream Recipe
Ten different flavor options of creamy vegan banana ice cream recipes that you can make at home, with just a few ingredients and a blender!
Banana Ice Cream Recipe
Banana Ice Cream Recipe
Possibly one of the most frequent emails I receive is from readers requesting more recipes for variations of banana ice cream, or “nice cream” as it’s often called in the blog world.

I’m sure many of you already know the basic concept of blending frozen bananas in a blender or food processor until the results have the exact texture of soft serve ice cream. If you add a little fat—such as peanut butter or coconut milk—it can even start to taste pretty similar to ice cream. I’ll post a quick photo tutorial below for anyone who hasn’t yet seen the basic concept, and then I’ll move on to the fun part – custom flavors!

  • 2-3 overripe, frozen bananas
  • optional milk of choice, if needed
  • pinch salt

  1. Start with bananas that are turning brown. Peel and cut into large pieces, then freeze in an airtight bag or container. (You can freeze a whole bunch at once so they’re ready whenever you want to make banana ice cream.) To make the ice cream, throw around 2-3 frozen bananas into a blender or food processor—adding a pinch of salt and 2-4 tbsp milk of choice for smoother blending if desired—and blend until you achieve a soft-serve texture. You can serve immediately, or transfer to a container and freeze an additional 30 minutes, then scoop out with an ice cream scoop.
  2. Visit chocolatecoveredkatie.com for full recipe.

