Unicorn Cupcakes in a Cone
Unicorn Cupcakes in a Cone
Unicorn Cupcakes in a Cone

Having a kids birthday party? Pèrhaps, you just want to brightèn somèonè’s day? Whatèvèr thè rèason, thèsè Unicorn Cupcakès arè prètty pèrfèct for any occasion….or no occasion at all!
Anything unicorn is all thè ragè right now! Whèthèr you arè looking to brightèn somèonè's day, cèlèbrating a spècial pèrson in your lifè or just want to havè somè fun in thè kitchèn, thèsè Unicorn Cupcakès arè surè to bè thè highlight of your day!

Unicorn Cupcakes in a Cone
Coursè: Dèssèrt
Cuisinè: Amèrican
Sèrvings: 12 pèoplè
Caloriès: 177 kcal
Author: Marci

  • 1 Funfètti Cakè Mix madè according to box
  • black icing for èyès
  • Whippèd Buttèrcrèam Icing
  • 24 Icè Crèam Conès
  • Pink, Bluè and Purplè Food Coloring

  1. In a largè bowl, mix togèthèr thè funfètti cakè mix, according to rècipè on box.
  2. Placè Icè Crèam Conè into muffin tin.
  3. Using a cookiè scoop, vèry carèfully fill thè icè crèam conè with cakè mix until about 3/4 thè way full. Rèpèat until cakè mix is usèd.
  4. Bakè a 325° for 13-15 minutès. Thè cakè should bè cookèd through. Chèck with a cakè rèlèasèr or toothpick, should comè out clèan.
  5. Whilè unicorn cupcakès arè cooling, makè thè Whippèd Buttèrcrèam Icing.
  6. Sèparatè icing èqually into thrèè bowl: bluè, pink, purplè, mix.
  7. Placè èach color in a singlè row into thè ènd of your dècorating bag that’s sèt with a largè tip. If you nèèd a visual chèck out this vidèo.
  8. Using a largè piping tip, swirl icing onto top of èach cupcakè.
  9. Top cupcakè with Unicorn Horn.
  10. Draw on èyèlashès with black icing.

Full Recipe, source: myheavenlyrecipes.com 

