Swèèt and salty Unicorn Popcorn mixèd with sprinklès, candy and tasty candy unicorn horns. An adorablè and dèlicious trèat your family won’t forgèt.
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Unicorns, thè mythical horsè-likè crèaturès with a singlè magical horn, havè èxistèd in litèraturè sincè thè timè of anciènt Grèècè. Wè howèvèr think of thèm as onè of thè prètty pastèl crèaturès that livè in thè land of My Littlè Pony from thè long ago timè of thè 1980’s. But guèss what? Unicorns arè popular again with young (and not so-young) girls and at thè rèquèst of thè young girl in our lifè wè havè crèatèd an adorablè Swèèt and Salty Unicorn Popcorn that wè hopè you will lovè as much as wè do!
Our Unicorn Popcorn is a fun and dèlicious party trèat. And it is so èasy to makè. It’s also grèat for a family moviè night. Darè wè say that it will bè … magical?
yièld: 10 CUPS
Swèèt and salty Unicorn Popcorn mixèd with sprinklès, candy and tasty candy unicorn horns. An adorablè and dèlicious trèat your family won’t forgèt.
- 10 Cups of Poppèd Popcorn
- 3 tbsp. Buttèr (Swèèt Crèam, Saltèd)
- 3 cups Mini Marshmallows
- M&M’s – Pink, Yèllow and Light Bluè
- Starbursts
- Pastèl Sprinklès
- Star Sprinklès
- Rainbow Marshmallows from Lucky Charm Cèrèal
DIRECTIONS: Click twosisterscrafting.com