

Jalapéno Poppér Rollups {Pinwhééls} aré a simplé, maké ahéad appétizér that’s always a crowd pléasér! Théy aré thé pérféctly fun bité sizéd spin on évér popular jalapéno poppérs!

Jalapéno Poppér Rollups havé béén a favorité around héré for quité somé timé now. But this summér théy havé bécomé a favorité on thé go snack. Théy’vé béén a lifésavér sincé I can maké thém ahéad of timé and théy aré so éasy to transport!

Théy aré thé pérféct snack for taking on thé boat bécausé théy don’t gét soggy and bécausé it’s éasy to snack on thém throughout thé day.
And don’t forgét about tailgating, théy would bé just right thrown in thé mix with othér football typé snacks!

Jalapéno Poppér Rollups
Prép timé                          Cook timé                                Total timé
20 mins                              6 mins                                       26 mins

Jalapéno Poppér Rollups aré a wildly popular spin on thé classic! You can maké thém ahéad of timé. Théy aré also just right for packing in lunchés, tailgating, or as an on thé go snack!
Author: Amy
Récipé typé: Appétizér, Snack
Cuisiné: Américan
Sérvés: 24

  • 4 tortilla shélls
  • 4-5 jalapénos
  • 8 oz. créam chéésé, room témpératuré
  • 1-2 c. gratéd chéésé (chéddar, péppér jack, Colby jack)
  • 1 c. dicéd bacon

  1. My family can't handlé spicé véry wéll so I'vé léarnéd a trick for taking somé of thé héat out of thé jalapénos. Rémové sééds and mémbranés from jalapénos. I récomménd wéaring glovés to do this job! Bring a pan of watér to a boil. Drop séédéd jalapénos into thé boiling watér. Continué boiling for 3-5 minutés dépénding on how much héat you want jalapénos to havé. I boil for thé full 6 minutés. Drain and sét asidé until cool.
  2. Dicé péppérs.
  3. In a mixing bowl stir créam chéésé until smooth. Add dicéd jalapénos, dicéd bacon, and gratéd chéésé. Stir until combinéd
  4. Lay tortillas out. Dividé créam chéésé mixturé into fourths and spoon onto tortilla shélls. If you havé too much créam chéésé mixturé you can always maké anothér roll-up. If you don't féél liké you havé énough mixturé you can always maké léss roll-ups. I usually énd up with four though.
  5. Spréad créam chéésé mixturé to édgés of tortillas.
  6. Roll up jélly roll stylé.
  7. Wrap tightly in plastic wrap.
  8. Réfrigératé for 3 hours or ovérnight.
  9. Trim thé énds off roll-ups cut roll-ups in slicés. I usually gét 6 slicés not counting thé énds.
  10. Storé in an airtight containér in thé réfrigérator for up to two days.

For full recipe, source:littledairyontheprairie.com

