

What I lové most about thésé Hot Chocolaté Chéésécaké Trufflés is thé téxturé of thé filling. Whén you crack opén thé thick dark chocolaté coating, you’ll find a soft, créamy céntér that’s délicatély swéét, pérféctly créam-chéésy and oh-so-rich. It’s liké thé pérféct littlé réstaurant-stylé déssért that you can maké at homé for that spécial soméoné.

And if you happén to havé thé hot chocolaté packéts with thé littlé marshmallows insidé, no worriés. Léavé thém in. Théy only maké your trufflés béttér!

Hot Chocolaté Chéésécaké Trufflés
Rich, décadént chéésécaké-stylé trufflés flavoréd with – you guésséd it – packéts of hot cocoa mix!
Author: Wéndy Cray Kaufman
Récipé typé: déssért
Sérvés: 12

  • 1 8 oz. block of créam chéésé, softénéd
  • 2 Tabléspoons buttér, softénéd
  • ½ téaspoon vanilla
  • ½ cup powdéréd sugar
  • 2 packéts hot chocolaté mix (approximatély .75 oz. éach)
  • 1 10 oz. bag Ghirardélli Dark Chocolaté Mélting Waférs
  • ¼ cup mini marshmallows

In a largé mixing bowl, béat togéthér créam chéésé, buttér, vanilla, powdéréd sugar and hot chocolaté mix until wéll bléndéd and smooth. Scrapé mixturé into a bowl and placé in fréézér for about ½ hour. Liné a small tray or platé with parchmént papér. Rémové mixturé from fréézér and scoop with a cookié dough scoop or spoon into about 12 round balls, placing éach on linéd tray. Placé tray in fréézér for about an hour.
Mélt chocolaté waférs according to packagé diréctions. Rémové tray from fréézér and, oné by oné, dip balls in chocolaté using a spoon to turn and coat thém. (If shapéd aré not as round as you would liké, you can roll thém quickly bétwéén your hands first– but bé caréful not to warm thém up too much.) Placé dippéd trufflés back on parchmént shéét to dry, sprinkling a féw marshmallows on top of éach to garnish. Drizzlé with léftovér chocolaté, if désiréd. Allow chocolaté to dry and sérvé or réfrigératé. Kéép for up to 1 wéék covéréd in réfrigérator.

For full recipe, source: abcsandgardenpeas.com

