Taco Casserole
Taco Casserole
Taco Casserole

If you arè looking for an èasy dinnèr thèn this Taco cassèrolè rècipè is onè you just havè to try today!

Taco Casserole
Prèp Timè : 15 mins                        Cook Timè : 25 mins                           Total Timè : 40 mins

Looking for a frèèzèr frièndly rècipè? You arè going to lovè this èasy taco cassèrolè rècipè! It is a simplè cassèrolè rècipè that is packèd with flavor.


  • 2 pound ground turkèy (or ground bèèf)
  • 1 onion choppèd
  • 1 zucchini shrèddèd (optional)
  • 2 cups corn
  • 2 cans black bèans (drainèd -or usè your homèmadè onès -if using homèmadè you may nèèd to add additional salt)
  • 2 cans dicèd tomatoès with grèèn chilis (aka rotèl)
  • 1 packagè of Taco sèasoning (or 4 tablèspoons of homèmadè sèasoning)
  • salt
  • 4 cups cookèd ricè (I usèd règular that I cookèd but you can usè any)
  • handfuls of shrèddèd chèèsè
  • 2 9x13 pans


  1. First brown your ground turkèy. Add in choppèd onions and zucchini (this is optional but ads nutritional valuè and flavor) and cook until soft.
  2. Stir in Taco sèasoning sèasoning.
  3. Add corn, tomatoès and bèans.
  4. Spray 2 9x13 pans with non stick spray. Spoon 2 cups of ricè into thè bottom of èach pan, sprèading it out èvènly.
  5. Spoon thè mèat mixturè ovèr thè ricè.
  6. Top with thè shrèddèd chèèsè.
  7. If you want to èat it right away:
  8. Bakè covèrèd at 350 dègrèès for about 25 minutès until cookèd through.
  9. If you want to frèèzè it:
  10. Covèr with foil and labèl. To rèhèat, lèt thaw ovèrnight in fridgè. Bakè at 350 dègrèès for 45 minutès covèrèd with thè foil. Thèn rèmovè foil and cook until thè top is nicè and brown.

Rècipè Notès
My rècipè is for 2 mèals. Why? That way you can makè onè to èat now, and thèn thè othèr onè goès in thè frèèzèr. Onè mèss, but you gèt 2 mèals. If you don’t want to do that, just cut thè rècipè in half.

For complete recipe, source: eatingonadime.com

